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The Ladoga Street Department is responsible for a wide range of services for the Town residents and merchants as follows:



Town employees remove snow during the winter months from streets to avoid the need to hire outside contractors. Presently, the Town has the ability to equip two town trucks, a quad, and a mower with plows, and has use of a backhoe. Streets are kept cleared and spot salted when needed using a truck mounted salt spreader.


The Street Department is responsible for all lawn and landscape maintenance in the Town Park and other right-of-way areas located throughout the town. They also routinely prune trees located on street and alley right-of-ways and encroaching power lines.  Residential lawn waste can be disposed of at the wastewater plant located west of town just off of 234. This disposal site is for RESIDENTIAL YARD WASTE ONLY. Other dumping is prohibited, and will be recorded and prosecuted.


Each year streets within the Town are assessed for needed repairs or paving. The Town workers provide a list of repairs to the Town council for approval. This list is reviewed and depending on the amount of funding available, major repairs are completed by an independent contractor and minor repairs are completed by the Town.


During the summer months of each year, curbs, streets, and water hydrants are painted. The Water, Street, and Sewer Departments work together to reduce the expense of hiring outside contractors to clean and maintain storm sewers, water mains, and sewer lines. Please report any missing street signs, malfunctioning street lights, or vandalism to the Town Hall. 765-942-2531


The Ladoga Police Department has one patrol car. Ladoga currently has one part time Marshal and three Deputies. The department is not a 24-hour police department, however, together they put in approximately 40 hours a week. In order to provide as much coverage as possible, we have a good working relationship with the Montgomery County Sheriff's Department, which dispatches our officers by radio when they are on duty or will send their officers if we are not available. In turn, we will help their department any time they request and wherever they are needed.


Mike Hunley - Town Marshal

Ryan Needham - Deputy Marshal


Ladoga Town Marshal's Office

Non-Emergency   765-942-2531 Extension 1500

Emergency   911


Mailing Address
PO Box 187
Ladoga, IN 47954 for tips or requests for other information

State Police

Non-Emergency   1-800-382-7537

Emergency   911

Road & Weather   1-800-261-7623

Montgomery County Sheriff

Non-Emergency   765-362-0885

Emergency   911


The Ladoga Fire Station is located on East Main Street on the east edge of town. 

The department is made up of outstanding volunteers.  All firefighters are required to obtain the minimum 24 hour training course, although several firefighters have first responder and EMS training.

The Fire Department also provides service to areas in Clark and Scott Townships.

The volunteer fire fighters provide 24 hour protection and are dispatched through Montgomery County Dispatch.


Contact Information

Mailing Address

1025 E Main St.

Ladoga, IN 47954


Non-Emergency Calls              765-942-2580

Emergency Calls                       911


Montgomery County Animal Shelter


The town contracts with the Animal Shelter for our animal control. Control officers will respond ASAP for loose or neglected dogs and will pick up contained cats when they make their regular rounds in town.


Phone  765-942-2531

Fax  765-942-7701

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