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Example of a utility bill



























Ladoga's Utilities include Electricity, Water, Sewer, Storm Water, and Trash services.  Utility bills are due on the 5th of each month. Utility bills are considered late and assessed a 10% penalty if not paid by noon on the 6th.  Utility services are subject to disconnection if not paid by the end of business on the 15th of each month, to be collected at 8:30AM on the 16th of each month.  (This was changed on 12/23/2019 from the previous disconnect date of the 25th of each month.)  New accounts require a deposit before services can begin.  The deposit for electric service is $200, and the deposit for water service is $100.  (This also changed on 12/23/2019 from the previous deposit requirements of $100 and $50 respectively.)  Customers that have a negative history with Ladoga utilities are require to make double the regular deposit amount.




The Town of Ladoga’s Electric Company is a distribution utility only.  We purchase our power for resale through Indiana Municipal Power Association (IMPA). 




The electric utility was purchased from Roachdale in 1921. 
In 2005 the Town purchased a new bucket truck for $80,000, replacing a smaller, unsafe bucket mounted on a pick-up truck.
In 2007, the Town rebuilt several lines at a cost of 
over $100,000, and purchased a used pole truck for $27,000. 

Since 2012 the town has rebuilt over 85% of its lines at an approximate cost of $750,000 thereby contributing to fewer power outages because of faulty power lines.



The Town of Ladoga’s water system consists of a 150,000 gallon capacity above ground storage tank, two wells, a filter treatment facility, a rock media iron filter, and a town wide distribution system.  The water tank is located on the north-east side of town by the Ladoga Utility Building.  The two wells are located on town owned property.  Currently, our system services approximately 455 customers.




The water plant was constructed in 1916 with electrical updates in 2004.

The current water tower was erected and several vital shut off valves were installed in 2004 with financial aid from a $500,000 federal grant from the Indiana Office or Community and Rural Affairs (IOCRA).  Because the Town experiences over 200 water main leaks the following summer, the Town was awarded another federal grant from IOCRA for $450,000 to replace antiquated water mains in 2006.

The iron filter was replaced in 2016 for approximately $190,000.





The Town of Ladoga’s Wastewater Plant is a trickle filter plant using microorganisms, which uses oxygen to break the organic material in the wastewater down to carbon dioxide and water.  The water being discharged from the plant is clean and is discharged into the Little Raccoon Creek.  Water being discharged must meet the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) discharge permit.  Discharged water limits are based on strict regulations from the Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). The plant consists of two trickle filters, primary and secondary clarifiers, settling tanks and a disinfection area.  Chlorine and sulfur dioxide is used to disinfect the water before it is discharged.  The solids handling area is where the solids are digested and then hauled away by independent contractors.  An on site laboratory tests all aspects of the plant for quality assurance and must follow state regulations. 

The collection system includes over 4.5 miles of separate and combined sanitary sewers and at the present time has approximately 438 connections with a flow of 250,000 gallons per day.



The Ladoga Wastewater Plant was installed in 1939 with a major update done in 1995.  The Town received a federal grant for $500,000 from the Department of Commerce in 2000.  This grant was used to replace and re-line sewer mains throughout the Town. The town issued a bond ordinance through the State Revolving Fund for $253,000 and received an ARRA grant for $256,000 and an OCRA grant for $500,000 to fund a slip-lining project in 2009.


In 2020, the Town was awarded an OCRA grant for $600,000 to be used along with $160,000 from sewer funds to increase efficacy of the plant as a whole.  The grant funded project will allow the town to separate storm water lines from wastewater lines as well as add equipment at the wastewater plant, increasing the removal of solids and disposal of sludge.




The Town of Ladoga established a storm water utility in 2009 to facilitate obtaining funding for repairing old lines and installing new ones.  In 2011, the Town received a DR2 Grant from IOCRA to install storm sewers along Taylor Street from the highway to Harrison Street, creating a large interceptor line in the center of town which will be used to expand the storm water system. 





Since 2012, the Town has been providing contracted trash service to it's customers.  The current trash service is provided by T&S Trash Service.  Neal Trash Management will begin services January 2025.



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